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Tangible Growth Change Blog. Comfortable with uncertainty and change.

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May 3, 2024

The importance and art of discipline and regular check-ins

The importance and art of discipline and regular check-ins

✅ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤-𝐢𝐧𝐬 ✅

You and your organization can be most successful when status and progress of your plans and targets are regularly shared with everybody and discussed in your normal meetings.Without sharing and reviewing progress, you will miss the opportunity to act on challenges and adjust your plans. Reminding everybody regularly on the plans and targets also allows people to better remember to work on them when they have the time to do so. And that is how you can make progress.

We have seen remarkable success with some of our customers. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤-𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝟏 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝟏𝟎 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬. That means a significant time saving, and you can imagine how much more clarity there is with the targets and work needed to achieve them! They will for sure make progress with their targets.

We are organizing a free webinar on 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟖𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐚𝐭 𝟏𝟓 𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐓. In the webinarandfrom our success team will be sharing the best practices about mastering discipline and running effective check-in meetings to make progress with your targets.

Register for the webinar here!

March 7, 2024

Join us at the 15th Corporate Strategy Execution Forum!

Join us at the 15th Corporate Strategy Execution Forum!

💡 On 21st-22nd March we will be attending the Thought Leader Global's 15th Corporate Strategy Execution Forum, and our CEO Juuso Hämäläinen will take the stage to talk about the lessons learned from helping companies like SAP successfully master their strategy execution while leveraging our framework.

💭 In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, effective leadership is not just about crafting brilliant strategies; it is about ensuring those strategies are executed with precision and excellence. The ability to translate a well-thought-out strategy into tangible results is what sets exceptional leadership teams apart from the rest. Strategy execution is the linchpin of success, bridging the gap between a vision and its realization.

🏆 In this era of rapid change and constant disruption, the importance of strategy execution cannot be overstated. The ability to out-learn and out-adapt competition is the only source of sustained competitive advantage.

If you're interested in keynotes and lessons learned from senior strategy and corporate development leaders, sign in for a ✨ free ✨ virtual ticket for the morning sessions of day 1 of Thought Leader Global's 15th Corporate Strategy Execution Forum here: - full event tickets available as well.

January 3, 2024

Strategic Planning: A Key to Success

Strategic Planning: A Key to Success

Discover the power of strategic planning and how it can lead to success in any endeavor.

Understanding Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a process that involves setting goals, defining objectives, and creating a roadmap to achieve them. It helps organizations align their resources and efforts towards a common purpose. By understanding strategic planning, you can effectively navigate the path to success.

One key aspect of strategic planning is identifying the organization's mission and vision. This provides a clear direction and purpose, guiding all decisions and actions. Additionally, strategic planning involves conducting a thorough analysis of the internal and external environment to identify opportunities and challenges.

Another important aspect of understanding strategic planning is the development of strategies and tactics. Strategies outline the broad approaches to achieve the goals, while tactics are the specific actions and steps to be taken. By understanding these components, organizations can create a comprehensive and effective strategic plan.

The Importance of Strategy Execution

While strategic planning provides the roadmap, strategy execution is the key to turning plans into reality. Without effective execution, even the best strategies can fail. Strategy execution involves implementing the planned actions, allocating resources, and monitoring progress.

One of the main reasons why strategy execution is important is that it ensures alignment between the planned goals and the actual actions taken. It helps organizations stay focused and avoid wasting resources on activities that do not contribute to the strategic objectives. Additionally, effective strategy execution enables organizations to adapt and respond to changes in the business environment.

Successful strategy execution also requires effective communication and collaboration. It is important to clearly communicate the strategic goals and objectives to all stakeholders, and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Collaboration across different teams and departments is crucial for coordinating efforts and achieving synergy. At Tangible Growth we developed a way of working that incorporates a set of market best practices for teams to become high performing in their strategy execution. After all, its the people that make the difference. 

Harnessing the Power of Human-AI Collaboration

In today's digital age, the collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in strategic planning. AI technologies can provide valuable insights and help analyze large amounts of data, while humans bring creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence to the table.

By harnessing the power of human-AI collaboration, organizations can leverage the strengths of both humans and AI to make better strategic decisions. AI can assist in data analysis, trend identification, and scenario modeling, while humans can provide context, interpret the results, and make informed decisions based on their expertise and experience.

However, it is important to strike the right balance between human judgment and AI algorithms. Humans should always retain control and make the final decisions, taking into account the insights provided by AI. Effective human-AI collaboration requires clear communication, trust, and a shared understanding of goals and expectations.

Prioritization: Key to Effective Planning

When it comes to strategic planning, prioritization is essential for effective decision-making and resource allocation. Prioritization involves identifying the most important goals and tasks, and allocating resources accordingly.

One key aspect of prioritization is understanding the strategic goals and objectives. By clearly defining what needs to be achieved, organizations can prioritize the activities that contribute the most towards these goals. It is important to focus on the high-impact initiatives that have the potential to drive significant results.

Another aspect of prioritization is considering the available resources and constraints. Organizations need to assess their capabilities and limitations, and prioritize the activities that are feasible and realistic given the available resources. This helps avoid spreading resources too thin and ensures that the most critical initiatives receive the necessary attention.

Effective prioritization also requires regular evaluation and adjustment. Priorities may change over time due to shifting market conditions, emerging opportunities, or internal changes. It is important to regularly review and reassess the priorities to ensure they remain aligned with the overall strategic direction.

Navigating Complexity in Strategic Planning

Strategic planning can be a complex process, especially in today's dynamic and uncertain business environment. Navigating complexity requires organizations to have a deep understanding of the internal and external factors that influence their strategic decisions.

One key aspect of navigating complexity is conducting a thorough analysis of the business environment. This involves assessing market trends, competitive landscape, customer preferences, and technological advancements. By understanding these factors, organizations can identify opportunities and threats, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Another aspect of navigating complexity is managing risks and uncertainties. Strategic planning should include a comprehensive risk assessment, considering both internal and external risks. Organizations need to develop contingency plans and strategies to mitigate potential risks and adapt to unexpected changes.

Navigating complexity also requires agility and flexibility. Organizations should be prepared to adjust their plans and strategies in response to changing circumstances. This may involve revisiting goals, reallocating resources, or exploring new opportunities. By embracing complexity and being adaptable, organizations can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities in today's dynamic business landscape.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Strategy

While strategic planning often involves data analysis and logical decision-making, emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in shaping strategies and driving their successful implementation.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and understand emotions, both in oneself and in others. It involves skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. These skills are essential for building relationships, managing conflicts, and inspiring others to achieve the strategic goals.

In strategic planning, emotional intelligence helps leaders understand the needs and motivations of their team members, stakeholders, and customers. It enables them to effectively communicate the vision and goals, and align the efforts of the organization towards a common purpose. Emotional intelligence also helps leaders navigate challenges, make tough decisions, and motivate others during times of change or uncertainty.

By incorporating emotional intelligence into strategic planning, organizations can create a positive and supportive culture, enhance collaboration and teamwork, and drive the successful implementation of strategies.

Empowering Employees for Strategic Success

Empowering employees is a critical factor for strategic success. When employees feel empowered, they are more engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving the organization's strategic goals.

One key aspect of empowering employees is providing them with the necessary information and resources. Employees need to have a clear understanding of the strategic goals, the rationale behind them, and their role in achieving them. They should also have access to the necessary tools, training, and support to perform their tasks effectively.

Another aspect of empowering employees is giving them autonomy and decision-making authority. Empowered employees are trusted to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This not only increases their sense of responsibility and accountability but also encourages creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.

Empowering employees also involves fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication. Organizations should create platforms and channels for employees to share ideas, provide feedback, and collaborate on strategic initiatives. By involving employees in the strategic planning process, organizations can tap into their diverse perspectives and expertise, leading to more effective strategies and better outcomes.

Leveraging Digital Strategy for Competitive Advantage

In today's digital era, having a strong digital strategy is crucial for organizations to gain a competitive advantage and thrive in the marketplace.

Leveraging digital strategy involves using digital technologies and platforms to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and create new business models. It involves understanding the digital landscape, identifying relevant technologies, and integrating them into the overall strategic plan.

One key aspect of leveraging digital strategy is understanding customer behavior and preferences in the digital space. Organizations need to analyze customer data, conduct market research, and identify digital touchpoints to effectively reach and engage their target audience. By leveraging digital channels, organizations can personalize their marketing efforts, deliver targeted messages, and build strong customer relationships.

Another aspect of leveraging digital strategy is optimizing internal processes and operations. Digital technologies can automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and enable better data-driven decision-making. By leveraging digital tools and platforms, organizations can streamline their workflows, reduce costs, and enhance productivity.

Leveraging digital strategy also involves exploring new business models and revenue streams. Organizations need to identify digital opportunities, such as e-commerce, subscription-based services, or digital marketplaces. By embracing digital transformation, organizations can adapt to changing customer expectations and stay ahead of the competition.

Driving Innovation through Strategic Planning

Innovation is a key driver of strategic success. Strategic planning provides the framework and direction for driving innovation and fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

Driving innovation requires organizations to create a supportive environment that encourages experimentation, risk-taking, and learning from failures. It involves setting innovation goals, allocating resources, and establishing processes and structures to nurture new ideas.

One key aspect of driving innovation through strategic planning is fostering collaboration and cross-functional teamwork. Innovation often requires diverse perspectives and expertise from different departments and disciplines. By bringing together individuals with different backgrounds and skills, organizations can foster creativity, spark new ideas, and drive innovation.

Another aspect of driving innovation is adopting a customer-centric approach. Organizations should focus on understanding customer needs, pain points, and aspirations. By listening to customer feedback, conducting market research, and analyzing data, organizations can identify opportunities for innovation and develop products and services that meet customer demands.

Driving innovation also requires a willingness to embrace change and take calculated risks. Organizations should create a culture that encourages experimentation and rewards entrepreneurial behavior. By empowering employees to take risks and learn from failures, organizations can foster a culture of innovation and drive strategic success.

Measuring Performance: Evaluating Strategic Success

Measuring performance is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic planning and ensuring that the desired outcomes are achieved.

One key aspect of measuring performance is defining key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the strategic goals. KPIs are measurable metrics that track progress and provide insights into the success of the strategies. By defining and monitoring KPIs, organizations can assess their performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Another aspect of measuring performance is collecting and analyzing relevant data. Organizations need to establish systems and processes to gather accurate and timely data that reflects the performance of different initiatives. This may involve implementing performance management systems, conducting surveys, or analyzing financial and operational data.

Measuring performance also requires regular evaluation and review. Organizations should establish a cadence for reviewing performance, conducting audits, and assessing the effectiveness of the strategies. This allows organizations to make adjustments, reallocate resources, and stay on track towards achieving the strategic goals.

Additionally, measuring performance involves communicating the results to stakeholders and creating a culture of transparency and accountability. By sharing performance data and insights, organizations can build trust, engage employees, and foster a sense of ownership and responsibility for the strategic outcomes.

October 31, 2023

A key to Successful Strategy Execution

A key to Successful Strategy Execution

Embracing change capability

In today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving business landscape, adaptability and change capability have become paramount for the survival and success of companies. The traditional notion of stability and predictability in business has given way to a new reality characterised by constant disruption, technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and global challenges. In this environment, it is no longer a matter of choice for companies to become change capable; it is an imperative.

However, in some cases this dynamic volatile, uncertain and complex world is used to justify launching ambitious initiatives, which rarely succeed. Using transformation as an end, rather than a means to an end. It puts the cart before the horse. Leading to a resistance from people to embrace change, by not having clear priorities & directions and missing out the ability to operate within a certain autonomy.

So how can leaders create an environment that embraces change and execute on the strategy, making it tangible?

We work with leaders in all different kind of industries and identified certain principles that are indispensable to achieving their strategies. They are relentless about strategy execution and invested in ensuring their way of working, data set and governance is directly related with the strategy itself. They have invested in a strategy execution process that is adaptive, rolling and adjustable.

An adaptive approach rests on the idea of serial temporary advantage. In today’s unpredictable environment, the emphasis in on continuous experimenting, testing possible solutions and real-time adjustments to the plan rather than on long-term analysis and planning.

But how to get this done, what are the principles for leaders to invest in?

  • Vision instead of volatility; develop a vision that creates anchor points for your employees. Under circumstances of constantly changing assumptions, it helps to have a long-term goal, painting a vivid picture of the future with outcomes more than only financial.
  • Develop an iterative strategy execution process; instead of a yearly review of strategy, if you want to be truly adaptive, you should always be iterating on your strategy, responding to changes as they occur or whenever new information becomes available.
  • Develop a culture of experimentation; adaptive strategies are always in flux, with uncertainty creating opportunities. This can be managed by embedding a culture of experimentation. When teams encounter that certain assumptions are invalid, they can use the skills they have gained and pivot to a direction that is more valid.
  • Activate the strategy by setting clear Objectives and Key results (OKR’s); translating strategy into a specific, measurable framework for tracking progress and ensuring that everyone is aligned on the most important goals.
  • Use quarterly “decide-do & refine-do” cycles based on key results; for teams to control their progress and speed. Rather than applying indicators at the end of the period.
  • Lead high cross-functional collaboration; comprising of members with diverse skills and expertise. Track & Drive at least twice a month the progress between the teams and sponsor. Alignment and accountability across organisational units is critical and this ritual will increase the ability of self-healing behaviours.

Lead by example with Strategy & OKR promotors

One of the most effective ways to drive change and embed an adaptive execution progress is to identify and amplify the voices of change champions across an organisation. These are the people who display confidence and competence with new ways of working and tools, and who can bring others along with them.

These champions, placed strategically across the organisation, help to make the strategy tangible by demonstrating the art of possible. They function as catalysts by leading by example and making others aware of what frameworks and tools exist, how to use them, and how they can benefit from them in their work.

In summary, effective leaders translate strategy into a specific measurable framework for tracking progress and staying closely connected to what is actually happening. They have a relentless focusing on bringing autonomy to the teams, fostering cross-functional alignment and lead by example.

October 7, 2023

Gain a better understanding on what needs to be done

Gain a better understanding on what needs to be done

We've been making steady improvements to our product, knowing that even small changes can make a big difference. Our latest release includes new Related Items feature, a new Dark Mode option, and a more user-friendly Toggle Menu.

Related items

Use Related Items for better planning, tracking, and coordination across teams, ensuring alignment and increasing the chances of success. Easily identify the interdependencies that contribute to the overall success of your objectives. See our tutorial on how to create a Related Item.

Embrace the Night: Dark Mode

You can change between dark and light color themes to match your preferences. Changing the color theme can be done from the Settings menu under the "Theme" setting.

Put your content front and centre: you can now finally toggle the menu

Hide the menu and let your content breath. Small quality of life improvements.

Psst.. it now also looks nicer in Microsoft Teams 

See our tutorial on how to add our app to your Teams page.

Other improvements and fixes

  • OKR filtering links are now in a dropdown
  • Improved email notifications for Interlock and Commitment contributors
  • Interlock and Commitment lists now have a last edited column
  • Improved layouts for table views for Interlocks and Commitments 
  • Fix where users were not able to open root team if looking at Virtual organisation chart

July 19, 2023

Tips for running effective retrospective sessions

Tips for running effective retrospective sessions

What are retrospectives?

Retrospective session, retro, is a meeting with a specific structure that allows teams to spend time reflecting on a period of time or a completed project. It invites everyone to analyse what worked and what didn't, to identify improvement areas and successes. Retrospectives are key for establishing a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

How to make retrospectives effective?

The specific structure of a retrospective is equally important as having the session in the first place. With a predefined framework guiding the discussion you can ensure everyone gets heard, all perspectives are covered and documented and that the learnings are taken forward to future work.

The world is full of different approaches, templates and ways of running retros. To help you find the best one for your situation, we decided to share our favourite frameworks here.

🪁 Fly High – excellent for identifying obstacles and challenges and whether help outside the core team is needed to solve them.

In a nutshell: This framework borrows its metaphor from kite-flying experience. In it the good work that has been done is seen as the kite. Firstly, everyone documents in sticky notes what the good work has been and what is wished to be continued. Secondly, the team identifies challenges in the project and marks these as knots and tangles. The closer these are to the kite-flyer (project team or yourself) the easier it is to resolve them within the team, whereas challenges (knots and tangles) higher up or if the kite is stuck in a figurative tree, the more external help or escalation is needed.

Learn more about the Fly High framework from its creator Madhavi Ledalla here.

🇱🇱🇱🇱 The 4Ls – The 4 Ls is a straightforward retrospective technique where team members identify what they Loved, Loathed, Learned, and Longed For in a project or sprint of work.

In a nutshell: This framework divides the reflection into four different parts, as is clear from the name 😄 The idea is to document lists for each category. In the LOVED list you collects things you loved about your work and what you would love to keep doing, or do more of, in the next project or time period. The list of LONGED FOR elements describes what each person wished they would have had. Be it more resources, time, breaks, fun or feedback – all points are welcome. When discussing the LOATHED part you focus on what made you feel bad during the time period. The things listed under this title are ones that you hope to never happen again. Lastly, under LEARNED the team lists together all the learnings from both successes and mistakes.

Learn more about the 4Ls framework from the Atlassian blog here.


🧭 Ditch, Add, Keep and Improve – our version of the DAKI framework helps to identify what a team should change in their work and what each member puts more value on.

In a nutshell: This framework is similar to the aforementioned 4Ls but is even more direct with the action that follows. In our version we call the D letter Ditch instead of Drop as we feel the word 'ditch' communicates more strongly that something has to stop. By listing the DITCH items together you clarify what activities, behaviors or things decreased the project's value, by ditching them the value should increase. In the ADD list you focus on what you need instead of the ditched items or what you need more of in order succeed – this can also be related to the feelings of team work of individual motivation. The KEEP list is obviously filled with things that already work and you don't want to (accidentally) lose. Finally, the IMPROVE list focuses on what needs polishing or tweaking in order to work better.

Check out more tips for the DAKI framework from TeamRetro.


🇴🇰🇷 retros – an integral part of the OKR framework and rhythm vital for learning, improvement and strategy execution efficiency.

To help you plan and run these, we are sharing the list of recommended retro questions from the authors of Implementing OKRs – The Practitioner’s Guide for Executives, Managers and Team Leaders book, Juuso Hämäläinen and Henri Sora.

From the book: "Retrospectives, or reflection meetings, are an essential part of the end of each implementation period - and a prerequisite for planning the next phase. A retrospective should address two separate issues. One is the objectives planned before the period and the results achieved during the period. The second is the systemic behaviour of the company and its operation around the OKR model."

To guide these sessions the authors recommend starting with a set of 6 questions focusing on the objectives planned before the period and the results achieved during the period. It is useful to consider the objectives and results from at least the following perspectives:

1. How well was each objective achieved? Why?
2. Why the difference?
3. Were the objectives too easy or too difficult?
4. What can be learned from the situation?
5. Who should I give feedback to?
6. Are the objectives still relevant for the future?

The second set of 6 questions looks at the systemic behaviour and operation of the organisation around the OKR model:

1. How often did teams update key results compared to the assumption?
2. Were people present at OKR events?
3. How successful was the alignment of objectives?
4. Was it necessary to change objectives or key results during the period?
5. Did the focus remain on the objectives, or did something 'more important' come from elsewhere?
6. How do we change our behaviour in the next period?

Get your hands on the book in French and Finnish, soon also in English.

Checklist for your retrospective

No matter which framework you end up using, make sure to:

Reserve enough time for the session – it shouldn't feel rushed and everyone should have time to share their thoughts and ideas. We recommend a minimum of 60 min for small teams (max. 6 people) and 90 min for bigger teams (6+ people).

👂 Not interrupt anyone – listen to understand opinions and experiences.

📝 Document the process – you need to be able to go back to the findings.

🎬 Dedicate a facilitator for the session – this person ensures the structure is followed and that the focus stays in the challenges and problems over blaming anyone personally. This person also checks the time and is allowed to guide the conversation back to the point if it starts escaping the agenda.

🔬 Dig deep enough – to find the real reasons for successes and challenges. Asking the five why's is a good structure for this.

Check the summary with all participants – make sure details didn't get twisted in the process.

🤝 Agree on how the learnings are taken into use – how can you together make sure that the same mistakes aren't repeated in the next project, and that what worked well is utilised in the future as well?

An extra tip is to always book the time for the retro at the beginning of each time period or project. This adds accountability of actually making it happen and manages the risk of forgetting about it or having a hard time finding a time that suits everyone in the team.

April 11, 2023

Introducing Game Plans!

Introducing Game Plans!

To succeed in strategy execution and driving transformations organizations need to ensure individuals in different functions and teams know and understand why and how to execute against the organization's strategy. After securing this understanding and moving onto defining the objectives, key results and tasks, we also need a way to manage and clarify cross-team obstacles and dependencies.  

To answer to this need, we have created a new feature: Game Plans.

Game Plans are execution plans of the company strategy.

They have core elements to provide a structure and focus for teams; to build a team identity, interpret the organization strategy in a meaningful way and achieve their goals.

What can you do with Game Plans?

➡️ Provide the context for teams and departments to share how they will contribute to the organization strategy
➡️ Improve transparency by showing everyone the methods used to move towards the shared goals
➡️ Manage obstacles and dependencies across teams and departments
Provide answers to strategic questions

You can formulate Game Plans as part of your function or team's OKR discussion. They are living documents dedicated for each area of your business and reflect their current focus. In Game Plans you bring together your vision, business targets, culture and change targets into one holistic view.

Key components of Game Plans

The Game Plan feature consist of main components. By answering to all of them you can create a holistic view on what your team is doing, how and why.

  1. Vision & Purpose – provide a clear and shared understanding of your team vision and purpose
  2. Values, Drivers & Principles guide your team's decisions and behaviors
  3. Obstacles & Dependencies – manage obstacles and dependencies that require collaboration and coordination with other teams or individuals
  4. OKRs set specific and measurable outcomes that keep you focused and aligned
  5. Methods & Commitments make specific commitments that drive action and accountability and identify and define Methods where to get help
  6. Specify what you will not focus on help your team stay focused and avoid distractions

Don't yet have Game Plans in your TG?

If you want to jump on the board of Game Plans, please be in contact with TG at, we will help you get started with few simple steps.

April 6, 2023

Tangible Growth partners with HTGP

Tangible Growth partners with HTGP


Tangible Growth Oy


Tangible Growth, a Finnish company growing rapidly in international markets, enters into a strategic partnership with HTGP (HT Growth Partners), Finland's "toughest international growth team".

Announced in March 2023, the partnership will ensure supporting clients expanding from Finland to the world at the best possible level. HTGP brings to the table the experience of its core team and advisors from over 100 growth companies (e.g. Naava, KNL Networks acquired by Telenor Maritime, Moontalk, FusionLayer Inc, Sports Tracker, Sarokal Test Systems acquired by Siemens and CubiCasa), providing a platform and automated tools for top executives, as well as an attractive network for knowledge sharing, talent unlocking and meaningful work. As part of the growth toolkit, Tangible Growth, created to accelerate strategy execution and develop transformation capabilities, already has international clients such as SAP, WithSecure and Elcoline.

Together, these two teams of experts in growth and change management are creating better conditions for their clients to succeed in international markets.

"The digital platform enables our company's ideology of providing Finnish companies with the best experts in the field to share the latest business management knowledge. It enables our clients not only to go international and grow their business, but also to provide an excellent customer experience, speed of action and global service,"

said Petri Toljamo, CEO of HTGP.

"By offering our clients HTGP's robust expertise in international growth and business development, we can further enhance our value proposition. By working together with HTGP and TG, growth-oriented Finnish companies will achieve their goals faster and more sustainably,"

adds Juuso Hämäläinen, CEO of Tangible Growth.

Media Contact:

Tangible Growth Oy

Jaakko Kankaanpää  
Growth and Strategy
+358 40 564 6909

HT Growth Partners Oy  

Petri Toljamo
+358 40 180 1410
Twitter: @PetriToljamo

The Tangible Growth methodology and software are built for modern organisations wanting to fast-track their strategy execution and develop their change capabilities. The software combines deep methodological insight with advanced technology to deliver concrete solutions for managing day-to-day work in today's complex and ambiguous environments. Tangible Growth customers include SAP, Utopia Music, Flowhaven, and F-Secure.

HT Growth Partners, a leading management consultancy company specializing in a comprehensive advisory for companies with growth and internationalization aspirations


Tangible Growth Oy


Kansainvälisillä markkinoilla nopeasti kasvava suomalainen Tangible Growth strategiseen kumppanuuteen Suomen “kovimman kansainvälisen kasvun tiimin”, HTGP:n kanssa.

Maaliskuussa 2023 julkaistu kumppanuus mahdollistaa Suomesta maailmalle ponnistavien asiakasyritysten menestyksen takaamisen parhaalla mahdollisella tasolla. HTGP tuo pöytään ydintiiminsä ja neuvonantajansa kokemukset yli 100 kasvuyrityksestä (esim. Naava, Telenor Maritimen ostama KNL Networks, Moontalk, FusionLayer Inc., Sports Tracker, Siemensin ostama Sarokal Test Systems ja CubiCasa), ja tarjoaa ylemmän johdon huipputekijöille alustan ja automatisoidut työkalut sekä houkuttelevan verkoston, joka mahdollistaa tiedon jakamista, talentin vapauttamista ja työn merkityksellisyyttä. Osana kasvun työkalupakkia on strategian toteuttamisen nopeuttamiseen ja muutoskyvykkyyden kehittämiseen luoto Tangible Growth, jonka kansainvälisiä asiakkaita ovat jo mm. SAP, WithSecure ja Elcoline.

Yhdessä nämä kaksi kasvu- ja muutosjohtamisen konkaritiimiä luovat asiakkailleen entistä paremmat edellytykset onnistua kansainvälisten markkinoiden valloituksessa.

Digitaalinen alusta mahdollistaa yhtiömme ideologian, jonka mukaan haluamme tarjota suomalaisille yhtiöille alan parhaita asiantuntijoita jakamaan viimeisintä liikkeenjohdon tietoa. Se mahdollistaa asiakkaillemme paitsi kansainvälisyyttä ja liiketoiminnan kasvua, myös erinomaisen asiakaskokemuksen, toiminnan nopeuden ja globaalin palvelun”,

kommentoi HTGP:n toimitusjohtaja Petri Toljamo.

“Tarjoamalla asiakkaillemme HTGP:n järeää osaamista kansainvälisestä kasvusta ja liiketoiminnan kehityksestä, voimme entisestään parantaa arvolupaustamme. Yhteistyössä HTGP:n ja TG:n kanssa kasvutahtoiset suomalaiset yritykset tulevat pääsemään tavoitteisiinsa nopeammin ja kestävämmin.”,

lisää Tangible Growth:in toimitusjohtaja Juuso Hämäläinen.


Tangible Growth Oy

Jaakko Kankaanpää  
Growth and Strategy
+358 40 564 6909

HT Growth Partners Oy  

Petri Toljamo
+358 40 180 1410
Twitter: @PetriToljamo


Tangible Growth Oy on kehittänyt moderneille organisaatioille suunnitellun alustan strategian toteuttamisen nopeuttamiseksi ja muutoskyvykkyyden kehittämiseksi.  

HTGP on kansainvälisen kasvun strategista kumppanuutta tarjoava neuvonantajayhtiö, joka auttaa asiakkaitaan kansainvälistymisessä ja liiketoiminnan kasvussa globaalisti. 

March 14, 2023

👑 TG now integrates with Slack!

👑 TG now integrates with Slack!

This feature has been one of the most asked for in our user community and something we also really looked forward to having ourselves. 

Now with the integration you can do the following directly in Slack:
  1. View your OKRs
  2. Update and share the progress of your Key Results
  3. Receive TG notifications and mentions in your Slack


These features will help you to:
  1. Stay focused on the rights things by having your OKRs at hand –attention and focus are hard to find these days. One way to protect our focus is to make sure we work towards our goals and don't get lost in too many ad-hoc tasks. Thanks to our Slack integration it's even easier to have your goals and priorities (OKRs) at hand at all times.

  2. Discuss and share – achieved that Key Result, facing some hiccups, or needing help? Simply update and share your Key Results directly from Slack; keep the right people informed and have discussions on the platform most comfortable for you.

  3. Receive all notifications in one place – having the possibility to direct also your TG notifications to Slack means you don't need to check multiple places to stay informed and to know when it's time to check your TG app.

🧭 How to set up your Slack integration 

Check out our step-by-step guide, where we'll walk you through how to set up your Slack integration. Our guide will help you get started with integrating our platform into your workflow, so you can stay focused on what matters most.

📋 Check out our Slack integration guide!

February 20, 2023

Get more done and collaborate better with new feature Commitments

Get more done and collaborate better with new feature Commitments

Do you have big goals, but no roadmap to get there?
Do you struggle to break down your goal into manageable steps and track your progress?
Do you want to collaborate with others who share your vision and can help you along the way?

Commitments is a powerful new feature that helps you drive your goals by breaking them down into manageable tasks, milestones, and deliverables. By using Commitments, you can collaborate with others and achieve successful outcomes that create a sense of progress and momentum towards your larger goals.

Using Commitments is simple. Just ask for commitments from others, ensure everyone agrees on how to achieve the outcome, do the actual work asynchronously, and share progress updates to drive successful outcomes. By following these simple steps, you can get more done and collaborate better with others to achieve your goals.

Learn more about how to use Commitments from our support pages:

We'd love to hear your thoughts on Commitments and how it can help you achieve your goals. If you have any feedback or ideas for improvement, please let us know. And if you're interested in learning more about how Commitments can help you and your team, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at We're always here to help you drive your goals and achieve great outcomes!

Bugfixes and improvements

  • Ability to be able to filter objectives by time periods faster

  • Team lead creating a personal objective for their team members sometimes fails

  • Team is shown twice in main menu if following a team before being added to it

  • Context Sharing and Profile picture - The image rotation is wrong when uploading a photo directly from mobile camera
  • Context Sharing Card Editor: submenu drops out of viewport if item is a bottom of screen

  • Activity log - text wrapping issues
A followed team remains as an empty item in the main menu if the team is deleted